Parking changes for Roberts and Clark streets
CANASTOTA, NY – At a public meeting held on May 1, 2023, the Village of Canastota Board of Trustees enacted changes to the village code regarding parking on Roberts Street and Clark Street.
The new law, entitled Local Law D-2023, made the following changes to Chapter 216 (vehicles and traffic) of the village code:
– No parking or standing on either side of Roberts Street between North Peterboro Street and the village line, which is approximately 200 feet past Frances Street.
– No parking or standing on either side of Clark Street between Roberts Street and Chapel Street from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on school days.
These amendments were made in the interest of traffic and pedestrian safety, particularly during the busy drop-off and pickup hours near the Roberts Street school complex.
Street signs reflecting the new laws have been installed on Roberts and Clark streets.
A copy of the local law can be obtained at the village office, or by clicking on this link.