Parking changes for Center and Peterboro streets
CANASTOTA, NY – With the new Dougherty Pharmacy expected to open in the coming weeks, the Village of Canastota Board of Trustees has revised the parking regulations for the downtown area near the intersection of Center Street and S. Peterboro Street.
At its November 6, 2023 meeting, the Board enacted the following changes to Chapter 216 (Vehicles and Traffic) of the municipal code:
– Parking on Center Street between Depot and Peterboro will be limited to two hours at a time.
– Parking in the first space on the north side of Center Street at Peterboro Street will be by handicap permit only.
– Parking in the two spaces directly in front of 143 S. Peterboro Street will be limited to 15 minutes at a time.
The Canastota Department of Public Works has painted parking spaces and added signs to assist drivers with following these new codes.
Anyone with questions about the revised parking regulations may contact the village office at (315) 697-7559 or